Did you know this is what strawberries looked like originally? Fairly small and not overly sweet. Nothing like the huge ones we find in the supermarket today. So as we go into summer, a quick word on soft fruit.
Soft fruit comprises strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, cherries, apricots etc. They are all delicious and nutritious BUT the shop bought ones are often covered in pesticides which are incredibly toxic to the body.
Try to buy organic whenever you can. I am very aware of the cost of living as it keeps rising, but your health is one of your most precious commodities. Think of it as an investment in you.
With shop-bought fruit, place it in a large bowl of water with a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate for two minutes and then rinse.
Berries are high in antioxidants and flavonoids – enjoy them fresh while they are in season and frozen later in the year.
Have a lovely weekend!
Dr. Maria