There is much talk about the harm from plastics, but do you know why?
Plastics affect our hormones, also known as the endocrine system.
Hormones aren’t just our sex hormones. Thyroxine, insulin, cortisol, serotonin, Vitamin D, growth hormone and oxytocin are just a handful of many other hormones.
Hormones work like an orchestra in the body and chemicals including plastics cause havoc to the music.
Plastics and other industrial chemicals are used in hundreds of household products. From food and drink containers, to cosmetics, to home furnishings and even in clothing, especially gym gear.
BPA stands for bisphenol A, an industrial chemical often used in containers for food and beverages, such as water bottles. Back in the 1930s scientists already knew that BPA affected oestrogen.
Put simply, the structure of BPA looks very similar to the structure of oestrogen – it is a “mimic’. We have oestrogen receptors all over the body and when BPA floats past, the receptors get deceived and allow it to land. The BPA then blocks true oestrogen and this then causes a cascade of hormonal problems. It has been linked to abnormal brain development in the foetus, Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Some plastic products are now marketed as BPA-free. But wait. What about bisphenol B (BPB) which has similar, or even greater, endocrine-disrupting properties?
Or bisphenol C (BPC) used in food cans, bottle tops and piping? The bisphenol alphabet goes on…
The take home is that you want to avoid plastics as much as possible.
Let’s start with three simple tips which will make a huge difference.
- Wear natural fibres such as linen, cotton, silk and wool as much as possible, especially for underwear. Use natural fibres for your bed linen as you spend several hours a night wrapped in them.
- Keep your (filtered) water in a glass bottle.
- Don’t put anything on your skin that you’re not prepared to eat!
Wishing you health and happiness,
Dr. Maria