There are three main ways for us to get rid of toxins from the body. Through the liver/gut, through the kidneys and through the skin.
The skin is a huge organ and sweating is a wonderful way to get toxins out and keep ourselves healthy.
There are three main ways to sweat:
- Sauna
There is a lot of debate about which kind of sauna is the best. But the bottom line is you just need to sweat. If you are looking at buying your own sauna (there are lots on the market now and vary in quality) then please do your research and get advice on buying a good one. Otherwise try a public sauna (most gyms have them). Start with just a few minutes and build up gradually. Never go past your comfort zone.
- Hot bath
Yes, you will still sweat even in water. A 20 minute hot bath with some Epsom salts is a wonderful way to eliminate toxins, absorb some magnesium, and relax!
- Movement
Put an extra layer on and get sweating when you move. The extra benefit here is that you are moving your body which helps move lymph and is great for your heart, brain, lungs and mood!
Switch between any of the above methods – they all have benefits.
The two things that are very important to remember are:
- Stay hydrated. You must replace the fluid you lose – ideally by drinking water with some trace minerals or a pinch of sea salt.
- Scrub off the sweat – don’t let any sweat linger on the skin, otherwise you will reabsorb the toxins you have just worked so hard to excrete. Use a brush/loofah/body plane to thoroughly scrub and rinse the skin after sweating. This ensures your detox is complete.
**If you have any medical conditions, please speak to your own physician before embarking on any of the above practices.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Dr. Maria