The other week I wrote about the lymphatic system. To recap briefly, the lymphatic system is a drainage system for the body. Well, have you heard of the GLYMPHATIC system? In the simplest of terms, the glymphatic system does the same as the lymphatic system, namely to clear waste, but specifically from the brain and […]
brain health
Dopamine is a chemical made in the brain. It is strongly linked to learning and memory. Research has found that “when a subject listens to music that gives them the chills, it triggers a release of dopamine to the brain”. Hearing a song from our teens and early twenties brings back a rush of memories […]
Thank you, Ruby
Earlier on in my medical career, I worked on an Elderly Care ward. Ruby was one of our patients. She had the most beautiful luminescent skin, hazel eyes, naturally curly eyelashes flecked with white, and cheek bones to die for. There was a grace and poise to her. Her legs were fixed in a flexed […]