When we have had a great night’s sleep, we often say we “slept like a baby”. However, many a new mother will question the truth of this saying when they struggle with their baby’s sleep. We have looked previously at how establishing a good sleep pattern starts in the morning through exposure to natural light. […]
My Interview with Dr. Jenny Goodman
My interview with Dr. Jenny Goodman
My interview with Karen Maloney on the Curiosity & Consciousness Podcast
Karen Maloney is the INSIDE OUT Coach, Well Being Facilitator and Coach, Energy Practitioner and Podcast Host. Some of the topics we touch on include: Karen and I had a great conversation on these topics and more. You can listen to the interview on Apple podcast or on Karen’s website: https://www.karenmaloney.com/podcast/ To learn more about […]
Local honey and seasonal allergies
Honey has been treasured for centuries, not just for its taste, but for its many healing properties. The Greeks called honey ambrosia – the food of the gods! Today let’s look at specific benefits of LOCAL honey. Local honey (from bees living within under a kilometre radius) appears to have great value in preventing hay […]
Spring Clean
I love all the seasons for different reasons. But there is something so special about spring. The longer, lighter days. Nature waking up with yellow bursts of daffodils and trees laden with blossom. Feeling the first warm sun rays on my face. January is the worst time to make big resolutions as we are still […]
A+ for Attitude
“You have choice. You are the master of your attitude. Choose the positive, the constructive. Optimism is a faith that leads to success” – Bruce Lee I recently had the pleasure of working with one of the most remarkable patients. For Serena*, knee surgery had been a long time coming. However, until recently, it had […]
The Glymphatic System
The other week I wrote about the lymphatic system. To recap briefly, the lymphatic system is a drainage system for the body. Well, have you heard of the GLYMPHATIC system? In the simplest of terms, the glymphatic system does the same as the lymphatic system, namely to clear waste, but specifically from the brain and […]
There are three main ways for us to get rid of toxins from the body. Through the liver/gut, through the kidneys and through the skin. The skin is a huge organ and sweating is a wonderful way to get toxins out and keep ourselves healthy. There are three main ways to sweat: There is a […]
Do you know what lymph and lymph nodes are? Lymph is a fluid from our vascular system. Think of it a bit like a drainage system that goes all through the body. You have high pressure in the arteries which take blood from the heart to the body. You have a lower pressure in the […]
Dopamine is a chemical made in the brain. It is strongly linked to learning and memory. Research has found that “when a subject listens to music that gives them the chills, it triggers a release of dopamine to the brain”. Hearing a song from our teens and early twenties brings back a rush of memories […]